Last month our project partners, Ira Lauer and Gabriele Phillips from The Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (Germany) attended the 10th Annual ProcessNet conference which took place from the 21st -24th September 2020. Like many other events this year, the conference was moved online due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. It had originally been scheduled to take place in Aachen in Germany.
During the biotechnology session, Lauer delivered a 15-minute presentation which examined ‘Strain optimisation of recombinant C. ljungdahlii to produce C3-C6 alcohols from syngas and metabolic engineering to increase product concentrations’. The presentation was delivered to around 120 participants and was very well received.
ProcessNet is an annual conference that provides experts from a wide range of disciplines to meet and discuss a variety of current topics. This year the theme was ‘Processes for the future’ and a range of topics were explored, including: Plant security, Education for the future, Biotechnology, Bioprocess engineering, Digitalisation, Energy and raw materials transition, Fluid process engineering, Reaction engineering and Pharmaceutical process engineering. In addition to lecture style sessions the conference also included interviews and expert discussions. This ensured that there was plenty of variety at the online event and provided participants with an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas.