The second event in the BIOCON-CO2 webinar series took place last month. The webinar was titled ‘CCU Biocatalysts: How to get them out of the lab’. Project partners from LEITAT, University of Groningen, Wageningen Food and Biobased Research, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as well as DTU Kemiteknik presented an engaging programme, examining how biotechnology can contribute to carbon capture and utilisation at industrial installations.
The webinar explored recent advances in research along with metrics for the selection and upscaling of promising bio-CCU processes. Presentations also examined factors that have hampered the widespread use of biocatalysts and discussed different strategies to overcome the current limitations, including: optimised enzyme engineering, immobilisation, and computational predictions to reduce screening efforts.
The general conclusion from the panellists was that more communication and collaboration is needed between researchers and industry to strengthen the focus of CCU biocatalysts’ development on upscaling and industrial requirements.
In case you missed it, a recording of the webinar is available on the BIOCON-CO2 project website here. You can also find a recording of the first webinar from the series on ‘BIO-CCU Potentials and Opportunities’.
Stay up to date with BIOCON-CO2 news and events, including upcoming webinars, by following us on Twitter and on the new BIOCON-CO2 LinkedIn page.
Image 1. Screenshot of the panellists from the BIOCON-CO2 webinar