BIOCON-CO2 Workshop and Masterclass Takes Places at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research

The main objective of the BIOCON-CO2 project is to develop and validate in an industrially relevant environment a flexible platform to biologically transform CO2 into added-value chemicals and plastics. Training activities are considered an important component of the dissemination work of the project. Several training events are being organised during the project to optimise synergies and knowledge sharing between partners with expertise from different areas.

Wageningen Food & Biobased Research and University of Groningen (BIOCON-CO2 project partners) hosted a fully booked, free BIOCON-CO2 workshop and masterclass in Wageningen University and Research Campus in the Netherlands from 21 to 22 January.

25 participants attended the workshop focused on microbial and enzymatic CO2 conversion and CO2 conversion technologies. Topics covered included CO2 as a renewable carbon feedstock for the industry, the role of shared pilot facilities in the deployment of gas fermentation and biocatalytic routes for the synthesis of C1-chemicals from industrial CO2 streams. Guest speakers included Achim Raschka (Nova Institute, Germany), Aline Hüser (AVT, Aachen University, Germany) and Diana Sousa (Laboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University, Netherlands).

The masterclass focused on enzyme discovery and engineering and computational enzyme engineering and included computational exercises. Lectures included enzyme engineering for industrial processes and an introduction to computational enzyme engineering. In the afternoon, participants worked on computational exercises for enzyme engineering led by Marco Fraaije & Hein Wijma (University of Groningen, Netherlands).

For more information on the event please click here.