Update: Registration for this event has been extended until 19 December. To register, click here. To view the agenda for the event, please click here.
Registrations are now open for the BIOCON-CO2 project workshop and masterclass that will take place 21 – 22 January 2020 at Wageningen University & Research Campus, The Netherlands. The event will be hosted by Wageningen Food and Biobased Research and the University of Groningen.
Day 1 of the event will consist of a workshop focusing on microbial and enzymatic CO2 conversion, and CO2 conversion technologies.
Day 2 of the event is a masterclass with emphasis on enzyme discovery and engineering, computational enzyme engineering (including computational exercises).
Participation is open to researchers, PhD students and postdocs and is free of charge subject to limited availability. Travel and accommodation costs are not covered. Register at bit.ly/2mgPQQB by 19 December 2019. Registration acceptance will be done on a “first come, first served” basis.
For general questions please contact the secretary of Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Mrs. Carla Bruil (carla.bruil@wur.nl).
To view the promotional leaflet please click here.