The first BIOCON-CO2 workshop of 2021 took place on the 25th and 26th of January. Hosted by LEITAT and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the workshop was a resounding success with over 150 participants from all around the world signing up to attend.
The two-day workshop featured a full agenda exploring the latest research on biocatalysis and bioelectrofermentation in carbon capture and utilisation processes.
Day one focused on biocatalysis. It kicked off with a general discuss about biocatalysis as a key enabling technology, followed by more specific talks on translating biocatalytic reactions to industrial scale, as well as some success stories from industry and academia. In the afternoon three case studies from the BIOCON-CO2 project were presented by partners.
On day two, BIOCON-CO2 partners presented some of the most recent research activities around bioelectrofermentation as well as many of the potential applications for this emerging field of research.
This workshop was the first in a series of events being held by the BIOCON-CO2 consortium this year. The next event in the roster is a webinar titled ‘CCU biocatalysts: How to get them out of the lab’ in late March. Please keep an eye on our website and Twitter account for more details!