The Final Symposium is the last event to be held as part of the BIOCON-CO2 Project and will take place on 14th-15th June, in Ghent, Belgium. It will celebrate the achievements of the project and explore the wider impact these results will have for the sector both in Europe and beyond.
Taking place in hybrid format, the symposium will be held over one and half days and comprise of three sessions which focus on project impacts through three key lenses: industry, science and policy. The sessions will feature presentations and panel discussions with both project partners and invited speakers.
The Final Symposium will also include a site visit for project partners and invited guests on the second day.
This event will be of interest to those working in the area of carbon capture and carbon valorisation, be they researchers, policy makers or industry stakeholders from the iron, steel, cement and electric power industries.
Registration is free and open to anyone who wishes to attend. Lunches and light refreshments will be provided throughout. Register for the event here.
Draft agenda for the event can be accessed here.